Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you, Cheryl Gorman!

This past weekend our good friend, and Colby alumnus, Cheryl Gorman did something truly remarkable. She rode in the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC), which is a two day bicycle event that spans from Wellesley to Provincetown. The PMC was successful in meeting their goal of raising $30 million for Dana Farber. Cheryl (a cancer survior herslef) dedicated her ride to Steve and was able to raise nearly $3,500! In a recent e-mail she told me:

"The ride was terrific. The weather cooperated, and it was an inspirational weekend as I have found in the past. I wrote your dad's name on the big billboards they had down at the canal which were labeled "why I ride", and I thought of him often."

You can find out more about the ride on her personal fundraising webpage . Despite the fact that the ride is over, PMC is still accepting donations! If you would like to donate either click the "Donate to My Ride" button on her webpage or mail a check made out to "PMC - Jimmy Fund" to:

Cheryl Gorman
325 Far Reach Rd.
Westwood, MA 02090.

Thank you so much, Cheryl, you are an inspiration and a wonderful friend.

The Planeta Family

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