Monday, August 24, 2009

A Note of Strength...

Undoubtedly, we must endure the inevitable trials and tribulations life inexplicity deals us. Whether small or immeasurable, tragic or curable, it is our own inner, unshaken strength we must rely on as we lay awake at night, staring at an empty ceiling, wondering what mysteries tomorrow will unveil. Perhaps we cannot defy the fate chosen for us, but that does not mean we must choose to live defined by it. In time of test, I am not a person of many words-- rather, of strong thoughts, because no matter what cruel hardships the outside world intends to slam me with, it cannot strip me of what I like to call 'the invisibles'; faith, love, determination, and hope. A faith intertwined with reality; an indestructible love unmatched by even death itself; a determination to see only what keeps us moving forward; and a hope that we can find the ray of sun fighting amongst a seemingly infinite sky of gray. I am not writing this for my father-- for he already posses all these qualities and more, but for the doubters; for the people who cannot seem to find the balance between the reality they desire and the reality that exists. Faith is not about imagining what could be, but, instead, embracing ourselves with a hope for an incalculable number of tomorrows. Tomorrow is a chance; tomorrow is a goal; tomorrow, simply put, is a blessing. If only we learn to accept the tomorrows we're given, as opposed to fighting with the fear of them, we will once again find our individualized sense of balance; our own ray of sun.
I would like to extend a note of personal gratitude to everyone who has written cards, prayed, visited, or even just followed the blog, because it is during these worrisome times the bond between family extends far beyond mere blood-relation and friends transform into angels on Earth.

May peace of mind guide you,


  1. My sweet Kasey, I am speechless by your amazing words and insight. I read your note of strength through tears but your words help so much. You put so many things in perspective and I thank you so much for that. You are such an extraordinary young woman and I am so very proud of you. I love you.

  2. Kasey, your insight belies your years. It takes some people a whole lifetime to be grateful for the gift of tomorrow, especially when they are faced with life's surprising and sometimes devastating twists. Some people never ever find the kind of faith and peace reflected by your words. Know that Steve and I think of and pray for you and your family daily.
    Kathy and Steve Whelan

  3. this is one of the most inspirational things ive read in a long time. i cant imagine what youre thinking or feeling but the fact that you can pour yourself into something like this is a testament to your character. no matter what happens you should keep that in mind and always keep your head up
