Monday, August 31, 2009

A crazy few weeks

I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to give everyone a quick update on how things have been going the past few weeks. On Friday, August 21st I left straight from a job interview to meet up with Grandma Maney, Aunt Linda, my cousin C.W, and Alyssa in Wells, ME. We were able to spend some time together and eat a fantastic dinner before Alyssa and I came back to Westwood. On Saturday the entire Planeta family came down from upstate New York. We were able to meet up in the city and visit some classic Boston sites. It was a ton of walking, but an absolute blast. Sunday everyone came over to our house. Aunt Judy bought Livestrong t-shirts for the family. Here's a great picture of the whole family:

Later that day Alyssa and I drove back up to Wells to spend a few more hours with Grandma Maney and Aunt Linda. It was so great to see everyone!

That following Tuesday I got a call from Marketing and Planning Systems in Waltham, MA. They offered me a job as a marketing research analyst. Then on Friday, I officially accepted the offer from MaPS and gave my old company my two weeks notice. They actually just decided to let me leave then and there, so I am currently on a three week pseudo vacation.

This past weekend Mom, Dad, Kasey and I drove down to Hofstra University to help my sister move in and prepare for her sophomore year. She's going to be living in a nice 5-person suite in the Norwich dorm. It was great for us to see that she is all settled and ready to start her second year. It was a long trip for Dad, but he was so happy that he was able to go.

From Hofstra, Mom drove up to Troy to visit my grandmother. She was recently diagnosed with Phase I Uterine cancer and had a surgery today to remove the cancerous organ. She had a great attitude and so far we have heard that the surgery was a great success. Please keep her in your prayers.

OK, that's all for now, but I will try to update the blog more regularly now that I have some time off!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Note of Strength...

Undoubtedly, we must endure the inevitable trials and tribulations life inexplicity deals us. Whether small or immeasurable, tragic or curable, it is our own inner, unshaken strength we must rely on as we lay awake at night, staring at an empty ceiling, wondering what mysteries tomorrow will unveil. Perhaps we cannot defy the fate chosen for us, but that does not mean we must choose to live defined by it. In time of test, I am not a person of many words-- rather, of strong thoughts, because no matter what cruel hardships the outside world intends to slam me with, it cannot strip me of what I like to call 'the invisibles'; faith, love, determination, and hope. A faith intertwined with reality; an indestructible love unmatched by even death itself; a determination to see only what keeps us moving forward; and a hope that we can find the ray of sun fighting amongst a seemingly infinite sky of gray. I am not writing this for my father-- for he already posses all these qualities and more, but for the doubters; for the people who cannot seem to find the balance between the reality they desire and the reality that exists. Faith is not about imagining what could be, but, instead, embracing ourselves with a hope for an incalculable number of tomorrows. Tomorrow is a chance; tomorrow is a goal; tomorrow, simply put, is a blessing. If only we learn to accept the tomorrows we're given, as opposed to fighting with the fear of them, we will once again find our individualized sense of balance; our own ray of sun.
I would like to extend a note of personal gratitude to everyone who has written cards, prayed, visited, or even just followed the blog, because it is during these worrisome times the bond between family extends far beyond mere blood-relation and friends transform into angels on Earth.

May peace of mind guide you,

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you, Cheryl Gorman!

This past weekend our good friend, and Colby alumnus, Cheryl Gorman did something truly remarkable. She rode in the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC), which is a two day bicycle event that spans from Wellesley to Provincetown. The PMC was successful in meeting their goal of raising $30 million for Dana Farber. Cheryl (a cancer survior herslef) dedicated her ride to Steve and was able to raise nearly $3,500! In a recent e-mail she told me:

"The ride was terrific. The weather cooperated, and it was an inspirational weekend as I have found in the past. I wrote your dad's name on the big billboards they had down at the canal which were labeled "why I ride", and I thought of him often."

You can find out more about the ride on her personal fundraising webpage . Despite the fact that the ride is over, PMC is still accepting donations! If you would like to donate either click the "Donate to My Ride" button on her webpage or mail a check made out to "PMC - Jimmy Fund" to:

Cheryl Gorman
325 Far Reach Rd.
Westwood, MA 02090.

Thank you so much, Cheryl, you are an inspiration and a wonderful friend.

The Planeta Family

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A note from Steve

Physically and mentally preparing for the biggest battle of my life (on all fronts- body, mind and spirit) while adapting to the incredible changes of this past month including the limited time and energy allowed from starting chemotherapy has made me remiss in thanking all my family friends for your invaluable support, kindness and prayers. I wish to express heartfelt thanks here. I apologize for my sporadic response to your most meaningful and important support- this battle cannot be won alone. I look forward to thanking all of you as things settle down a bit. For now I hope this global thank you provides the recognition and gratitude you all deserve.
Giving it my better than best effort with all your help and encouragement.


A note from Kathy

Words cannot fully express the gratitude that we feel for the tremendous outpouring of love, support, and prayers our family has received during this time.   It has been overwhelming and inspiring.  We continue to be grateful and awed by each of you who have helped our family in some way.  I asked Nick if I could “blog” on today to express that gratitude.  I fully intend to send formal thank you notes as soon as possible, but first I wanted to say thank you on his blog also.  

First and foremost, I want to thank my family.  I want to thank Nick for rearranging his job to be able to be here, for this wonderful blog and for the unconditional love and support you give to Dad and to me.  I thank Kasey for all of your love and support you also give to Dad and me, and  for helping out so much with anything I ask with chores around the house,  going to the store, etc., and for all of your jokes, which Dad truly appreciates as you both have the same quirky sense of humor.

Thank you to my Mom, who gave up her 80th birthday party to come and celebrate Steve’s birthday.  My mom yesterday herself was diagnosed with cancer, so I would ask everyone following this blog to pray for her as well.  Thank you to my sisters, Diane and LInda for their love and support, for their wonderful e-mails and phone calls and logs onto Nick’s blog, which keeps me going.  Linda adds an extra dose of understanding, as she has been through the battle with cancer herself.  And thank you to my brother Mike and nephew CW.

Thank you to Steve’s parents, Mary and Clem Planeta for their love and support, for their prayers, for being there when I called for Steve’s party and for the financial help.  Thank you also to Judy, June, Jay and Krista for being at the party and to everyone in Syracuse for their cards, love, and prayers.  Thank you to our nephew, Michael, especially being there for Nick and for all of us.

Thank you to my aunts, Ruth Michon and Edna Sandvidge for their Spiritual Remembrance Cards and Spiritual healing cards.

Thank you to Alyssa Kavanaugh and her mom, Nancy for their wonderful support, and for all the encouraging and supportive e-mails and prayers.

Thank you to our friends.  Thank you, Rich & Vita for coming to Steve’s party, bringing the food, bringing balloons, coming over with pizza, and a willingness to be there and to do anything we need and in general, cheering Steve up.  Thank you to the D’Aleo’s, and  to Marcie  for helping us with future planning and for their love and concern.  

Thank you to Judi Fazioli for our surprise Chinese dinner delivered to our house and for being my best friend for over 40 years.   Thank you to Tobie, Peter and Noah Atlas for your support,  and for the airline ticket for Nick and for helping with our taxes.  Thank you to Robin & Frank Weitzman for your friendship and kind words.  Thank you to Jan Hanson, Patty Pires, Mary Shapiro, and Lisa Gordon and the “Play Group” Girls.

Thank you our to all of you who sent cards and letters:   P. Asack, Amanda Burgess,  Adam Choice, The Chubet’s, the Concannon’s; the Curran’s, Artie Cutrone, Gus David,

Kyle Donovan, The Geer’s, the Gordon’s, the Gould’s,  the Earles, the Hotte’s, Louise Jurewicz & Mike Shudt, Steve McPherson, the Milano’s, The O’Leary’s, the Peterson’s, the Russell Family, Justin Sherman and the Sherman Family,  Brittany Soderholm, Christian van Lowen,Trudy Walsh, the Whelan’s, and Chas Woodward

Thank you to all who sent food:  Joan & Terry Earles, Judi Fazioli, Michelle & Randy Miller,  Rich & Vita Theriault, and the Weirsema’s.  

Thank you to those who sent flowers:  Elizabeth & Ben, Cameron Gibson, Ginger Ledbetter, Shelley O’Neil, Ron Matthews, Steve Seniukt, Tom Estes, Scott Bronson and the Korea group (and thank you for your lovely note), Richard Coakley & PMT group.

Thank you to our neighbors: John & Sue Shabo and and the Schreiber Family and  Ron & Donna Burman for their love & support - and thank you for mowing our lawn!

Thank you to all who sent helpful books: Linda Maney, Nancy Kavanagh, Karen Trossett (Thank you for the CD also & the starbucks), 

Thank you to the Colby College and Basketball family for all your cards and wonderful letters,  and a special thank you to Chris Lemmons for his wonderful and inspiring blog and to Laura Lemmons as well.  

Thank you to St. Margaret Mary’s Parish Choir and Community.   A special thank you to Father Chris Coyne for meeting with me and helping me with spiritual guidance during this time.   Thank you to everyone in the choir who sent cards, e-mail and their thoughts, prayers and kind words and words of wisdom and experience.  Thank you to Joe and Betty Holderrheid for their support, as well as Mary McSoley. Thank you to Patrick Valentino for the job this summer.  Thank you all for your prayers.

Thank you to Terry Kerr for his love and support and for giving me a job for the summer

(Kismet, Terry).

Thank you to Steve’s soccer friends and to Mike Niles and to all of you who sent Steve kind words and e-mails and information on upoming developments in the area of pancreatic cancer.  Also, to Mal for the blog post.

Thank you to the employees of Raytheon who sent good wishes, cards, e-mails and flowers from all the different branches, including Korea!

Thank you to everyone who telephoned and sent e-mails.  

Thank you to Dr. Gopinath and her wonderful staff and DMA, as well as the staff at Faulnker Hospital 6th floor unit.    And thank you for all the wonderful ANGELS at Dana Farber Hospital and Dana Farber Clinic at Faulkner.  The work you do is truly remarkable and awe-inspiring.  A special thanks to Eileen Maunsell, RN and Dr. Thomas Abrams.  

Kathy Planeta